Math Digests January 2024 2024-02-08 On: February 8, 2024 Tagged: data analysis, error correction, exponentials, frequency, geometry, prime numbers, probability, resonance, statistics, trigonometry
Math Digests December 2023 2024-01-12 On: January 12, 2024 Tagged: data analysis, exponentials, finite fields, fitting curves, group theory, mathematical modeling, nonlinear equations, percentages, probability, quantum mechanics, rates, statistics, symmetric group
Math Digests November 2023 2023-12-12 On: December 12, 2023 Tagged: economics, game theory, knot theory, linear algebra, probability, statistics, stochasticity, topology
Math Digests October 2023 2023-11-10 On: November 10, 2023 Tagged: calculus, coin flipping, complex numbers, error margins, game theory, growth rate, modeling, probability, reaction-diffusion, simulations
Math Digests September 2023 2023-10-18 On: October 18, 2023 Tagged: archaeology, asymptotes, calculus, center of mass, fractions, geometry, optimization, ratios, storytelling with math
Math Digests August 2023 2023-09-14 On: September 14, 2023 Tagged: creative math, derivatives, distance functions, double negatives, geometry, graphs, linear algebra, logic, optimization, trigonometry
Math Digests July 2023 2023-08-18 On: August 18, 2023 Tagged: astronomy, chaos theory, climate data, combinatorics, mechanics, physics, pi, Poincaré, probability, scientific analysis, space, tessellations
Math Digests June 2023 2023-07-07 On: July 7, 2023 Tagged: AI tools, algebra, area, ChatGPT, combinatorics, Fibonacci numbers, golden ratio, higher dimensions, linear algebra, number theory, polynomials, sets, volume
Math Digests May 2023 2023-06-08 On: June 8, 2023 Tagged: Bernoulli distribution, data analysis, geometry, knot theory, law of large numbers, music, probability, representation system, statistical literacy, symmetry, topology
Math Digests April 2023 2023-05-02 On: May 2, 2023 Tagged: arithmetic, combinatorics, counting, cycloids, optics, periodicity, probability, the universal language, tiling, trigonometry