Math Digests October 2021 2021-11-01 On: November 1, 2021 Tagged: algebra, butterfly effect, chaos, complexity, density, Diophantine problems, dynamics, geometry, mathematical modeling, polynomials, pre-algebra, synchrony
Math Digests September 2021 2021-10-06 On: October 6, 2021 Tagged: algebra, complex numbers, exponential growth, factorials, functions, geometry, group theory, ideal gas law, linear equations, mathematical modeling, modeling in Excel, roots of unity, symmetry, travelling salesperson problem
Math Digests August 2021 2021-09-01 On: September 1, 2021 Tagged: accuracy vs precision, algorithms, central limit theorem, circles, computer science, exponential decay, exponential growth, geometry, gerrymandering, law of large numbers, number systems, pi, politics, programming, Simpson's paradox, statistics, transcendental numbers, What is zero?
Math Digests June 2021 2021-07-23 On: July 23, 2021 Tagged: compound interest, exponential growth, finance, geometry, modeling from data, origami, polygons