Correcting Errors
Who might have realized that when the mathematics community studied the properties of cubes, they might be used in error correction technology? Correcting Errors Joe Malkevitch York College (CUNY) Introduction Humans sometimes make errors. Perhaps you have been sloppy with a calculation on a mathematics examination. You made an error.Read More →
Math Meets Congress
The nuts and bolts of what I do when thinking about math are very similar to the nuts and bolts of thinking about a policy problem… Math Meets Congress Or, A Mathematician Goes to Washington Courtney Gibbons Hamilton College Thanks to the American Association for the Advancement of Science andRead More →
What will they do when quantum computers start working?
Mathematically, the most intriguing of the new proposals use lattices for message encryption… What will they do when quantum computers start working? Bill Casselman University of British Columbia Commercial transactions on the internet are invariably passed through a process that hides them from unauthorized parties, using RSA public key encryptionRead More →
Predicting friendships and other fun machine learning tasks with graphs
Social media platforms connect users into massive graphs, with accounts as vertices and friendships as edges... Predicting friendships and other fun machine learning tasks with graphs Noah Giansiracusa Bentley University Artificial intelligence (AI) breakthroughs make the news headlines with increasing frequency these days. At least for the time being, AIRead More →
Wordle is a game of chance
Many of the proposed strategies use the notions introduced by Claude Shannon to solve problems of communication… Wordle is a game of chance William Casselman University of British Columbia The game Wordle, which is found currently on the New York Times official Wordle site, can be played by anybody withRead More →
Alan Turing and the Countability of Computable Numbers
Alan Turing and the Countability of Computable Numbers Turing's methodology was unique: he imagined hypothetical machines that could perform complicated mathematical tasks in a deterministic manner, in the way computers do today. In this way, he inadvertently kickstarted the entire field of modern computer science... Adam A. Smith University ofRead More →
Meet me up in space!
Meet me up in space! Rather than closing the distance, however, the target seemed to move down and away in defiance of everyday intuition... David Austin Grand Valley State University Complex space missions rely on the ability to bring two spacecraft together, a procedure called orbital rendezvous. A spacecraft dockingRead More →